How do we come out of this type of slump? I realize that there are completely real struggles with depression and other problems like this, and I pray for people that struggle with that. I know the Lord will help you in your struggles. Turn to him! But for the people who don't struggle with depression and such, but still feel confused and frustrated that the Lord lets difficult things happen to us, realize that it's only because he loves us. Maybe that sounds weird, but I know he lets us struggle because we learn so much more, and the impact of what we learn is so much greater when we are allowed to struggle. Allowed. Think of it as a blessing!
Matthew 14:24-33 tells the story of Christ's disciples on the sea. They had been fishing on the sea for quite some time when a storm started to toss the ship among the waves. All the disciples were worried for their lives. Shortly, the disciples saw Christ coming towards them, walking on the sea. Seeing this frightened them and they cried out saying "it is a spirit!". Then the Lord called out saying "be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid". Peter answered him and said, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water". The Lord then summoned Peter to come to him. Peter stepped out of the ship onto the water and walked on the water to go to Jesus. "But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid and beginning to sink, he cried saying, Lord, save me". I find this next part so amazing. The Lord immediately reaches out with his hand and catches Peter and asks him "didst thou doubt?".
Christ could easily make things easy for us, but as a disciple of Christ, we have contrary winds. Christ loves us and who we are becoming much more then he wants us to have a simple and eased life. This is how it is when we sign up to be one of Christ's followers. We commit to struggle, with faith, knowing that he will reach out when we start to sink.
Something new I realized while studying this story, is that most people think less of Peter because he doubted and then started to sink, yet how great is it that he even stepped out of the boat. Do we have the faith to step out of the boat and walk on water when the Savior calls us? Are we willing to even take the first step? The first step to repentance for whatever we're struggling with. He knows the intentions of our hearts. If we turn to him trusting that he wants the best for us, he will catch us. Let that idea comfort you.
Keep your eyes on Christ, not on the things keeping you from him or else you will sink. Peter started to sink when he noticed/focused on the winds and waves around him. He took his eyes off Jesus. Keep your eyes on the one who loves you the most.
Trust in him and walk on water.
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